Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How will the Lunar Eclipse affect people?

The Lunar eclipse will officially occur on October 18, 2013. We hear about lunar eclipses and how powerful and wondrous they are, but what does it mean? I will not go over the astronomy of it, but I will say that it occurs when the moon passes directly behind the earth and earth casts a shadow on the moon. Now, moving on to its effects on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Eclipses are like a full and new moon, giving a chance to reboot your soul. This eclipse will occur during a full moon for us, which will make this one specially powerful. It will affect all living things, humans, animals, plants, weather.. etc. This change will come about internally, it will shift us all at a cellular level.  Things are already moving very quickly, we are all moving to a higher frequency so we are being affected much quicker and much deeper.

Remember, that the Universe can care less about our calendars, so the eclipse will be on the 18th, BUT we will begin to feel its effects as early as NOW.  Those born under the sun signs of: CANCER - ARIES - LIBRA - CAPRICORN will be affected significantly.  Do not make any big decisions between October 16  to November 11. We will have a Lunar Eclipse followed by a Solar Eclipse while Mercury is in retrograde.  But those will be on the next blog ;)

If you are feeling shaky, nervous, anxious. If you can't sleep at night or are falling a sleep and waking up in the middle of the night, you are being affected by the energies of this upcoming full moon
You will feel impulsive - DON'T react! simply acknowledge that the energies are strong and come back to center.  This is the time to be flexible in all circumstances. Specially when it comes to relationships. Duality will be very prevalent this time as the light and dark  (sun & moon) are coming to their own. This will rock relationships. Look at things from different angels and view points, this is not just "my way" anymore.  Allow the old believes to be released to make space for a broader view.  You may feel confused at times, but this is just a moment where you are being freed from old thought process. Stay true to your higher self, don't compromise. Give love no matter how challenging others may become, remember, you are re-booting your entire system and this is the time to work on your karma and not create more of it.  Stay in tune with your inner process, stay present because your spiritual instincts will become refined around this time and you need to be fully present as the environment becomes unstable and blockages will begin to crumble.
I know this all sounds a bit too much, but it's great! It's a matter of perspective.  When all this process is going on, it's like you are being polished. It may seem a bit uncomfortable, but remember that a new you will emerge

Stay tune for more on Mercury which goes retrograde from from October 21 - November 10.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What is my greatest challenge and how has it served me?

This month started a bit rough for many goddesses including myself.  
But as we take a step back and look at every single challenge that has knocked us off our center, we see the lesson.  This lesson shapes us and makes us who we are. It re-patterns our brains so we can shift our perception of things.  
NOW, how we choose to perceive this lesson is a whole other can of worms.  If we view it from the perspective of the victim, then we will be left with a misconception of the events.  We will look back in anger or pain, forever.  We will embellish on this painful experience and we will then measure every single challenge with the same stick.  BUT if we take the time to connect with our Higher Self (God, Universe, etc..) and we tune into that space in the center of our chest and we look at every challenge with compassion and acceptance - THEN and only then can we really take away a beautiful experience and learn in a positive light.  
I know, I know... A lot easier said then done, but if we choose time and time and again to go through this route we will:
a. Recoup from being knocked on our ass quickly
b. Feel lighter and happier
c. Have a more positive outlook in life

Yes, it's all about perspective my Goddess.  So, the questions is:
Do you want to re-create a peaceful, lighter, harmonious Goddess? Every time you choose to grow you will...
So, how do I do that you ask? 

It's o.k., to feel anger and fear. We are human and those are human emotions, there to help us survive.  But after that initial wave passes (you must allow it to pass, DO NOT suppress).  Then BREATHE!! We forget the most basic, instinctual thing in our life.  I don't know why we do that, but we do. Just breathe deep as deep as you possibly can. Like you want to blow out your lungs and then let all the breath out.  Do that 10X at least.  Once you are done with that cycle then close your eyes, (seriously, I'm not kidding) and find that center inside of you. Start with your heart. How does it feel and ask yourself what can I learn from this? If you don't get a response immediately, don't panic, just wait and repeat the process later.  Most people get a response at the oddest times.  The number one place, drum role please...... The shower... 
No matter what, don't judge yourself, you are learning and growing every day. Not just physically but emotionally and most important spiritually. Create the Goddess YOU want to be. You are the creator of your universe. You are the center of the Universe. You are!! 
Sat Nam



Monday, August 26, 2013

How do I forgive myself?

Why is it is easy for women to forgive others but not ourselves? We are eager to take one for our tribe, endure abuse both physically and emotionally all for love and most of the time we have an amazing capacity to let go of the painful memory or our love is so big that we fully understand the choices our loved ones make despite the pain it may cause us. BUT when it comes to ourselves we are not as loving or understanding. We batter ourselves, we carry regret and contempt for our selves and our actions. Letting go becomes almost impossible. Why? Why is it so difficult to forgive THE most important person in the world? (Yes, you are the most important person in YOUR world). 

#women's #harmonic #healing @ Laya Center.  Every #Sunday @ 7:00 p.m. in #Davie, FL

Welcome to Laya Center, a sanctuary for women.  Let us share and help one another.  I welcome you to visit us at www.LayaCenter.com for more information on our events and our work.  Also, like us on Face Book.